Thursday, September 22, 2011

Title Magazine: "moving on" by Jessica Anne Clark

Please read this article in Title Magazine about TSA's current show, moving on.

William Blackhurst

"Group shows are sometimes akin to shared housing: ragtag bunches of wayward objects take shelter beneath bursts of halogen light to create a dubious whole. Under the auspices of amorphous themes, these inanimate strangers bide but never bond. In more mindful groupings, the works coalesce into a rich society full of feasting, discussion, argument, and agreement. Moving On is an excellent example of just this sort of household, with curator Ryan McCartney as captain of the commune. With bodies, mind and motion as the main topic of conversation, this collection of work by Carolee Schneemann, Tim Belknap, and William Blackhurst, is currently in residence at Tiger Strikes Asteroid’s new digs."

"moving on" on the Art Blog!

"moving on", curated by TSA member Ryan McCartney, features the work of Timothy Belknap, William Blackhurst and, Carolee Schneemann.

Timothy Belknap

"moving on is a spare little show. With works by three artists, one local, one in London and one in upstate New York, the exhibit covers a lot of geography — and a lot about the human condition,  in sexy, manic, or bare-bones fashion." - the art blog

These works, "dealing intimately with motion, the body, and the relationship between", will be on display at Tiger Strikes Asteroid through October 2nd.
Hours: Saturday and Sunday 2-6, or by appointment.
For more information:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sept. 20 AUX at VOX

Tuesday Sept. 20th at 8 pm a show featuring Sudden Infant, FUN, Nagle and Kudler Duo (Jesse Kudler).
This show is part of Aux at Vox's "Freedom & Sound" Event, September 20-22. Aux at Vox is, in the same building as TSA, is a new live arts venture adjacent to Vox Populi.

Located at 319 A North 11th St, Phila, PA - third floor.

Tonight! 2011 Sonic Circuits Fest

Tonight, September 18th, Jesse Kudler will be playing alongside the famous Keith Rowe.

Sonic Circuits is a Washington DC based experimental music producer. 
The show is at Pyramid Atlantic in Silver Spring, MD. 
More information here.