Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Poetics of Space

Before Thanksgiving I went to see the Michael Edward Smith show at Jenny Jaskey Gallery. The show's closed now, but I thought it was one of the strongest shows I've seen in Philly this year. The show was divided into 2 separate-but-together installations, but I was most attracted to this arrangement above. I think it was more successful than the other side of the gallery because, well, it was more fun to look at. I literally had to crouch down to examine it and felt like a kid looking in a tide pool, a little snapshot of Smith's larger artistic world. Anyways, hope everyone saw it.

On another note, Jenny is looking to open a live/work studio space in the same building as Vox. She's charging a dirt cheap rate, so if you are looking for a studio space, send her an email. You can even specify how much space you want if you are one of the first tenants!

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